In Tune With The Player – Seydel Reed Repair Options
In previous posts, we discussed the frustrations of players experiencing reed failure. Seydel understands player concerns and consequently has partnered with 16:23 Custom Harmonicas to insure low cost reed replacement options are available for players. At 16:23 Custom Harmonicas, we have a number of ways to keep the player up and running at a low cost. Many players will purchase a spare set of reed plates for their most frequently played harps and send in the broken plates for repair. Those willing to disassemble and ship only the reed plate receive a discounted repair rate.
For their part, Seydel provides me with very low cost reeds and parts in large quantities and makes spare reed plates available at a reasonable price.
On Seydel repairs, I use a technique referred to as reed polishing. Although there is debate among technicians about its effectiveness, I have found that reeds I replace rarely come back for repair. Generally speaking, I replace a worn reed with one that is 1/2 to 1 whole step higher than what was originally in the slot. Then, using a light abrasive bit in a rotary tool, I polish the base of the reed to the correct pitch. The operation is quick and efficient. I subsequently mark the repaired reed and enter the transaction in my customer notes so I am able to determine later if a polished reed fails. Many customers report they like the response of the repaired reed better than the original. In the last two years, I have repaired over 400 Seydel diatonic harmonicas. In my experience, it is best to replace top and bottom reeds in holes 8-10 regardless of which reed fails.
My rates for diatonic reed replacement start at $15 if I receive the assembled harp and $10.00 if I receive only the reed plate. Chromatic repairs start at about $30
With each shipment there is a $6 charge for USPS Priority Mail and I am able to ship 7 complete harps in a box. I accept Paypal, credit card, and check and generally do not invoice until the repair is packaged and ready for return. Players should email me before shipping harps and provide their name and complete address. Also, enclose a note in the package identifying the repair need. Lastly, I ask diatonic customers to not send their harps in the hinged boxes as these stack up.
I enjoy providing individual customer service to Seydel players. I prefer to be contacted by email at and commit to a prompt reply. As a reminder, 16:23 Custom Harmonicas is a full service Seydel dealer and carries all Seydel harmonicas. I know the product line thoroughly and can help you with your next Seydel purchase. Thanks for supporting the partnership between Seydel and 16:23 Custom Harmonicas! Greg