How I Clean Your Seydel Harps..
This is a short discussion on ways that I clean Seydel harmonicas sent in for repair.
What Are Valves?
Valves or wind savers as they are more often called are strips of material that are placed on the harmonica reed plate and cover the...
Adjusting a Stuck Reed on Seydel Diatonic
Care to purchase a Seydel diatonic? Go here Want to take a look at the 1623customharmonicas web site? Go here Have a question ? Contact...
Diatonic Reed Storage
Providing quality Seydel diatonic repairs at a fair price means I have to work quickly. Sorting, storing, and quickly locating reeds is...
In Tune With The Player – Seydel Reed Repair Options
In previous posts, we discussed the frustrations of players experiencing reed failure. Seydel understands player concerns and...
Reed Failure
There is probably no greater frustration experienced by players than reed failure. It happens and unfortunately for some, it happens...
The Annoying Reed Squeal On Overblows/Draws
As overblow/draw (OB/OD) playing becomes more popular, complaints are increasing about the annoying reed squeal noise that can ruin a...
Reed Polishing
Jump on any harp related forum or discussion group and you will almost certainly find complaints from players about reed failure. Reed...
Harp Tools & Adjustments
I frequently get inquiries from players seeking a recommendation for tools. There are some all-in-one and somewhat pricey options out...