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The Annoying Reed Squeal On Overblows/Draws

As overblow/draw (OB/OD) playing becomes more popular, complaints are increasing about the annoying reed squeal noise that can ruin a blue 3rd or jazz lick and send our audience to the ENT. Reed squeal seems to becoming more prevalent but this is most likely the result of more players becoming proficient in OB/OD and the quality of manufactured harps which permit players to venture into the technique. The video below is a demonstration of OB/OD on a stock Seydel 1847 with noticeable reed squeal. I treat the reeds with a small amount of nail polish and play the same notes later in the video. The nail polish certainly reduced the reed noise. The cause of reed squeal is up for debate but I think it amounts to high pressure air passing through the base of the isolated reed and causing a whistle. This theory is flawed in some respects, but it is the best I have right now. Nail polish is just one solution but I seem to be having success with it and at 16:23 we are all about finding the best and most efficient solution to this nuisance. Watch the vid and see what you think. If OB/OD playing is your goal, we would like to help you reach that. I believe that the stock Seydel will OB/OD with little modification but that it is possible the Seydel diatonic would benefit from treatment to reduce reed squeal.

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