Seydel 1847 BOLD Low Harps
The Seydel 1847 Classic BOLD is Seydel's low and super low tuned harmonica line. These are simply amazing harmonicas that play and sound incredible. All stainless steel reed harps, they are roughly the same size as an 1847 Classic/Silver except that the covers are extra wide. This eliminates the annoying reed strike that is so common on low tuned harmonicas, especially on the the bottom plate.
The Seydel 1847 BOLD is half-valved and that makes those lower notes easier to play and bend. The stainless steel reeds are not only durable but will keep their shape and gap.
In this video, I am playing a (LowC) that is Country Tuned so that I can get the major 7th note on 5 draw.
You may purchase the Seydel 1847 Classic BOLD from me here
For questions about the Seydel 1847 line of low tuned harps, contact me here
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